Trigger workflow
When you trigger a workflow for the Slack workspace connected using SlackKit, you'll pass the tenant you used in the SlackAuthButton as the tenant
in your workflow trigger. This is because during the OAuth process, your tenant stored the Slack access token necessary to post notifications to Slack. When you use that tenant in your trigger, we use the access token stored on that tenant to post to the Slack channels stored on your recipients.
Let's take a look at an example: you want to trigger a notification when someone posts a comment to your VideoPage
about a specific video.
And that's it! Your tenant
and object
entities will each look something like this in your Knock dashboard:
Now that you know how to use the full Knock-managed flow, we can look at further customization by opting out of the components and using the hooks and APIs SlackKit offers under the hood to build your own components and flows on top of.